Application Link Enabling
Intermediate Document

          Idoc is a data container which is use for the data transfer from one system to another. The 
data transfer can be sap to sap system or sap to non sap 

What type of data is transferred :
Following type of data is transferred using Idoc container

1.Master Data            : Material Master, Vendor master, Customer master etc.
2.Transaction Data    :  Purchase order, sales order, FI document etc.
3. Custom field data  : Custom fields data with idoc extension concept.

SAP to SAP Scenario : Material master Transfer

Finish goods product code is created in Head office Japan, then its transferred through the idoc to the sap system to there other country office , so that for one product , common material code should be there in all country sap systems

E,g Product code : PLC-MIT-X1000

SAP To Non SAP : ECC to/from C4C, Sales force etc.

• Some company use other web based software's like , sales force, sap c4c , sugar crm, WM
   software's etc. on top of SAP, in that case we need to transfer data to/from sap to non sap 
    systems, data like customer master, material master, inquiry, quotation, pricing , sales order etc.

• How the Data is transferred? Sap to Sap 

Sender system -> Outbound program -> Data select from the DB -> Generates IDOC->Distribute
Receiver system-> Inbound Program -> Incoming idoc Data -> Update in DB

In sap to sap scenario abap consultant role is both the side sender and  receiver 

How the Data is transferred? Sap to non Sap

Sender system  -> Outbound program -> Data select from DB -> Generates IDOC->Distribute
Middle ware       ->  Idoc to XML -> field mapping and routines -> XML pass to receiver
Receiver system -> Web service /code blocks -> Incoming idoc Data -> Update in DB

Idoc Configuration/Components : 

 In order to transfer/receive  the data from sap to sap or sap to non sap idoc objects need to be 
 define and configured , that configuration technology is know as ALE, because once we done 
 the configuration it enable a link between 2 or more than 2 systems  that’s is called as application 
 link enabling.
§Segments -  Collection of fields, Transaction Code – WE31
§Idoc Type  - Collection of segments , Transaction code – WE30
§Message Type – Definition of what data it contain like, material, vendor etc.  - WE81
§Idoc type message Type -  WE82
§Create logical system       - Sale/BD54
§Assign logical system to client – Sale/SCC4

§Note : Next session will be on complete idoc component 

Idoc classification :

 Idocs are classified in 2 types.

1.Outbound Idoc :  Data is going out from sap 
2.Inbound Idoc     : Data is coming to sap 

It is called as Idoc direction  - WE02/WE05

Idoc structure : 

    An Idoc consists of 3 types of records
1.Control records 2.Data records 3.Status record

Control Records : Control records holds the administrative data of the idoc like idoc number, 
idoc type, message type,  sender information, receiver information, start and end time of the 
record  updating, this is called as control data  and the table name for this is EDIDC – Every idoc has 
unique number which is use for tracking.

 •Data Records : The data records contain the segments wise data , which is being transferred the 
table for data record is EDID4

Status Record : Status record display the processing status of idoc, idoc statuses are use to track 
the idoc and its processing at different level, the current status of idoc is present at control record. 
The table for idoc status is EDIDS

Both inbound and outbound status no. ranges are different .

The status for outgoing Idocs has the value range between 01 and 49.
The status for inbound Idocs starts at 50 to 75

Features and advantage of IDOC :

Structured data exchanged

Reduce the processing time

Real time data transfer

Error handling

Availability of data in electronic format
Reduce the cost
Reduce the paper work. 

Idoc Components/Objects and Configuration

The idoc objects/components for the  standard transactions are provided by sap , for the custom object and custom field of standard transaction we have to create idoc objects. 

SegmentsTransaction code : WE31
Segment defines the format and structure of data records ie. The field collection. For the standard 
transaction the segments are provided by sap , but for custom application or custom fields of 
standard transaction we have to create the segment with transaction WE31.
For each segment there is segment type, segment definition and segment documentation

Idoc type : Idoc type is a collection of segments (structures) , and each segment is a collection of fields. Idoc types are assigned to message types.
There are 2 type of idoc type
§Basic Type : Predefined by sap for standard data , to be create for complete custom object 
Extension Type    : This is use if we want to add any custom fields for standard data transfer

  Transaction code for idoc type is WE30 and the table name is EDIDO 


Message Type : A message type indicates what type of data is stored inside the idoc e,g

Matmas     - Material master

Debmas     - Customer master

Cremas      - Vendor master
Orders       - Purchase order ,
  Transaction code for Message type is – WE81

• Message Type and Idoc type link

Message type has to link to idoc type, transaction code for this is WE82

• Logical System : It is a unique name assign to each sender and receiver system for identification 

    purpose. Transaction code to create logical system is SALE/BD54 

• Assign logical system to client : Logical system which is created in previous step need to be assign 

   to sap client, for both sender and receiver , for non sap system create only logical system. 

   Transaction code for this is SCC4

• RFC Destination : It stores the details of receiving system , where the idoc has to be send, it 

  contains the details like IP address , client no., login credential etc. It is created only in sender 

  system. Transaction code  SM59 and Table is RFCDES

For SAP to SAP , the rfc destination is created with type ABAP and for PI/HCI of type ‘G’

RFC Port : RFC port is created on top of rfc destination of receiver system. It defines the technical 
characteristics between the sap system and the other system, it also defines the medium in which 
the data is exchange between 2 system.

For sap to sap (ale) we use TRFC port, for EDI file port , for sap HCI we use XML port.  
Transaction code for port is WE21 table name is EDIPO

by click on new entry create a port.

Model View : It is a object which stored the sender, receiver, information along with message type 
and filtering condition if maintained.

Transaction code : Sale/BD64      Table : TBD00

Partner Profile :It stores the information about the partner system, it is created on top of the 
partner logical system.
For a sender system receiver is the partner and for a receiver system sender is a partner
For sender, a partner profile =
      receiver logical system +  outbound parameters i.e message type, idoc type and port no.
 For receiver , a partner profile =
     sender logical system +  inbound parameter i.e message type and inbound process code

    Transaction code : WE20  Table : EDPP1

Inbound Process code : It is an identifier for inbound program , i,e it provides a link to the inbound 
program for reading the incoming idoc , for standard message type the inbound process code is 
generally the first 4 character of the Message type. i.e for message type MATMAS the inbound 
process code is MATM  

Transaction code : WE42

Object wise transaction

Standard Message type Predefined by sap

MATMAS     - Material Master
DEBMAS      - Customer Data
CREMAS      - Vendor Master
ORDERS       - Purchase Orders /Sales order
DELFOR      - Delivery document

INVOIC        - Invoice

there are many more standard message type provided by sap.

Outbound /Selection Programs : Tcode
BD10  – Send material
BD12  - Send customer

BD14 – send vendors

Idoc Monitoring and Reprocessing :
WE02/WE05 – Idoc Monitoring
BD87              - Idoc re-processing

WE19              - idoc processing / test tool

What to be learn as ale/idoc beginner level?

Segments creation
Idoc type – Basic and extension creation
Message type creation and assignment to idoc type
Complete ALE configuration
Data transfer technique
Idoc Monitoring
Idoc reprocessing
Error handling/ debugging
Idoc filtration
Idoc conversion rules
Idoc activate change pointers
Complete configuration for custom message type
Idoc extension
Message Control technique for transfer to transaction data like, PO, SO etc.

Get complete course on udemy with life time access.

Videos :

1 : Introduction to sap ale idoc part 1
2 : Introduction to sap ale idoc part 2
3 : Idoc configuration business requirement
4 : Idoc Create and assign the logical system
5 : Idoc create rfc destination
6 : Idoc port creation
7 : Idoc Create model view
8 : Create idoc partner profile
9 : Data transfer from sender to receiver system using idoc
10 : Filter idoc
11 : Idoc conversion rules
12 : Idoc troubleshooting error analysis using BD87 WE19 and reprocess
13 : Idoc status change
14 : Configure change pointer in idoc
15 : Sap ale IDOC extension for message type matmas part 1 of 3
16 : Sap idoc extension for matmas part 2 of 3
17 : Idoc extension for matmas part 3 of 3
18 : Custom idoc creation part 1 introduction
19 : Custom idoc creation part 2 segment idoc type and message type
20 : Custom idoc creation part 3 configuration part
21 : Custom idoc creation part 4 creation of outbound program
22 : Custom idoc creation part 5 creation of inbound FM and remaining part of custom idoc

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